Washington, D.C. Penal

Abogado de defensa criminal en Washington, DC

David Benowitz is an experienced attorney with a successful track record of fighting for his clients. As a criminal defense lawyer in Washington, DC, Mr. Benowitz is committed to providing the highest level service at affordable prices. Mr. Benowitz is AV-rated by Martindale-Hubbell, has earned a perfect 10 rating by AVVO, and is a member of the National College of DUI Defense. He is also the only Washington, DC-based criminal defense attorney who has been board-certified as a criminal advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. Mr. Benowitz is also a faculty member at Harvard Law School’s Trial Advocacy Workshop.

If you are contacted by any law enforcement agency, do not make any statements, even those denying involvement, as they will most likely be used to build a case against you later. Politely decline to comment, and then contact a DC criminal defense attorney immediately. The sooner an experienced lawyer begins an investigation, the better your chance of defeating the government’s case.

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Nuestras Áreas de Práctica

Hay muchos cargos diferentes y muchas sanciones diferentes que pueden aplicarse a su caso. Por lo tanto, debe programar una consulta inicial gratuita con un abogado penal de DC para analizar los parámetros completos de su caso lo antes posible.

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Cargos Federales

While many criminal charges are brought in DC Superior Court, some allegations are charged in federal district court. These offenses are prosecuted by the United States government and, as a result, have the full force of a number of federal law enforcement agencies supporting the prosecution. Agencies conducting investigations, undercover operations, and sting operations include:

  • Oficina Federal de Investigaciones (FBI)
  • Agencia de Control de Drogas (DEA)
  • Oficina de Alcohol, Tabaco, Armas de Fuego y Explosivos (BATF)
  • Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS)
  • Comisión de Bolsa y Valores (SEC)
  • Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE)
  • Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS)

Si cree que está siendo investigado por un delito federal o si ha sido acusado de un delito federal , obtener asesoramiento legal de un abogado defensor penal experimentado y bien informado de Washington, DC debe ser una prioridad para que sus derechos estén protegidos.

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Cargos de agresión

There are three types of assault that you can be charged within the District of Columbia: simple assault, assault with significant bodily injury, and aggravated assault. It is important to note that someone can face assault allegations and charges even if there was never any contact between them and the complainant, known as battery. Assault can be charged when there is the threat of force, causing someone to reasonably fear that harm is imminent.

Simple assault has two different definitions and can be prosecuted in two ways: 1) as the use of force or violence to injure or attempt to injure someone; or 2) as a threatening act that reasonably would create fear in another person, committed with the intent to cause injury or create fear, with the apparent ability to injure. Assault with significant bodily injury is charged when the injuries to the complainant require hospitalization or immediate medical attention. Aggravated assault is the most serious of assault charges. Assault is considered “aggravated” if it causes a substantial risk of death, obvious disfigurement, extreme physical pain, or unconsciousness.

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Cargos por Drogas

It is illegal to knowingly or intentionally possess a controlled substance in the District of Columbia. The only exception is if a licensed physician, operating within the realm of their professional practice, prescribed the substance to you. Simple possession of a controlled substance carries a potential jail sentence of 180 days, a fine of $1,000, or both.

Las sanciones potenciales aumentan dramáticamente si se le acusa de distribuir o poseer con la intención de distribuir una sustancia controlada. Una condena por cualquiera de los cargos conlleva una sentencia máxima potencial de 30 años de prisión y/o una multa de $75,000.

Las leyes del Distrito de Columbia con respecto a las drogas pueden ser complejas. Comuníquese con un abogado experto en drogas para obtener más información sobre estas leyes y cómo un abogado de defensa criminal con experiencia en DC podría ayudarlo a investigar su situación y construir una defensa.

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Conducir bajo la influencia (DUI) y conducir en estado de ebriedad (DWI) en Washington, DC son delitos graves. A los condenados se les podría quitar la licencia, enfrentar grandes sanciones y potencialmente pasar tiempo en la cárcel.

In DC, there are potential traffic-alcohol charges: DUI, DWI, and OWI. You may be charged with a DWI if you are alleged to have a blood alcohol content (“BAC”) of .08 or over .08. DWI is a per se offense in DC that is automatically triggered when a driver’s BAC test results come back at 0.08 or above.

Puede ser acusado de un DUI en el Distrito de Columbia si se alega que está operando un vehículo motorizado con cualquier BAC; no hay ningún requisito de que esté por encima de .08.

However, you can also be charged and penalized under DC law if you are driving while somehow impaired at a level that does not meet the standard for DWI. Operating While Impaired (OWI) is considered a less serious criminal offense, as it carries up to 90 days in jail and/or a $500 fine for a first offense. Contact our office today to speak with a DUI lawyer for legal assistance if you have been charged.

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Que dicen nuestros clientes sobre nosotros
David Benowitz and his firm are the best strategic and compassionate teams you will work with. Mr. Benowitz and his team are diligent and proactive, which is further enhanced by David's methodic and strategic approach to law. My case was a very complicated and emotionally charged case involving classified information,...

-Isaac Gibbons

El Sr. Benowitz es un profesional increíblemente informado y dedicado. Sus compromisos con la justicia social y el alcance comunitario son ejemplares. Lo recomiendo de todo corazón para cualquier asunto.

-Winfield Glascock

Descubrí que David estaba muy dedicado a luchar por los derechos de su ser querido. También aprecié mucho el hecho de que David nos mantuvo informados y empoderados durante todo el proceso.

-Carla Sims-Cardwell

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Finding The Best DC Criminal Lawyer

Con demasiada frecuencia, nos preguntan quién podría ser el mejor abogado penalista de DC. En realidad, esta etiqueta no ayuda porque no hay forma de aplicarla a ningún abogado.

There is no best DC criminal lawyer. There are many excellent and qualified attorneys across the District, but in truth, there is no one lawyer who is best-suited to every single case. The practice of law is a complicated endeavor, and even within the practice area of criminal law, there are major differences in criminal defense in different local jurisdictions and between different kinds of cases. For instance, DUI cases and white-collar cases involve very different areas of criminal law, types of evidence, and defense strategies.

When someone says they are looking for the best DC criminal defense attorney, we inform them that they should instead be looking for a lawyer who they believe is right to represent them in a case. When looking for a lawyer for your case, you should look for an attorney who has experience practicing criminal law, and it can be very helpful for an attorney to have experience handling cases involving the charges you are facing. Furthermore, it can also be very important to find an attorney who has local experience practicing in the courts where you are facing your charges.

Every case is unique, both in the fact-specific circumstances of the charges and in how the law may apply to the case. Although prior results do not guarantee or predict similar or favorable outcomes in the future, it can be an asset to have an attorney who is knowledgeable about the charges you or a loved may be facing.

The most important aspect about selecting an attorney for your case is whether, after to speaking to or consulting with a lawyer, you feel that you have found the right advocate to represent you. Rather than trying to look for the best DC defense attorney, look for the lawyer who you believe is right for your case. This is an important decision, and you should have confidence in the attorney you choose to represent you.


Póngase en contacto con un abogado de defensa criminal en Washington, DC hoy

Enfrentar una acusación de que cometió un delito en Washington DC puede ser una experiencia aterradora e intimidante. Desde una confrontación inicial con un oficial de policía hasta un arresto, una reserva en la cárcel y comparecencias ante el tribunal, todo el proceso puede ser abrumador.

In addition to the obvious stressors that you may feel, the potential criminal penalties for a conviction can forever change your life. A conviction for even a low-level misdemeanor offense will result in a criminal record, may require you to pay a fine, and might even result in a jail sentence. More serious felony convictions could result in a lengthy prison sentence and follow you for the rest of your life. For help building a powerful defense against the charges you face, consider contacting a DC criminal lawyer.

Evaluación gratuita de casos

Si enfrenta un cargo penal o cree que es objeto de una investigación criminal en Washington, DC, su libertad está en juego. David Benowitz y su equipo de abogados de defensa criminal de DC están listos para ayudarlo. Llame para programar su consulta gratuita.

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